Category: Travel

Road Trips: Three Of The Best

There is almost nothing that compares to hitting the open road for an adventure. This is one of those adventures that friends sit back and dream about for countless nights.

Expat Life in Singapore

The idea of traveling is appealing to many people and for a lot of these people, having the chance to work and settle in another country is hugely attractive. With

Tanzania on a budget

Tanzania just might be the country with everything. From Kilimanjaro to beautiful beaches. And you might think you need a fortune to really get the most of out of its

Cruise tips for beginners

An increasing number of people are choosing to go on a cruise for their holidays these days. It’s a great choice and it will give you an experience that you

Costa Rica Backpacking Guide

  Until a few years back, most backpackers chose to skip Costa Rica because of the reputation it had earned as an expensive destination. In spite of the lovely beaches,