Return to Central America - Winter 2011

Vacation from Vacation

I’ve been home in Orlando for just under two weeks, and pretty much since the moment I landed I’ve been enjoying seeing family, friends, and my girlfriend. I’ve been visiting all of my favorite hang outs, bars and restaurants and catching up on everything I missed out on. As much as I love traveling it is nice to come home and be guaranteed a hot shower!

I also decided to take a short break from the blog because I was feeling a bit burnt out towards the end of the trip. I’ve got lots of stuff still left to post (including tons of photos) and I’ll start working on all of that later this week. I’m really excited to go back through my photos and post some of my favorite ones for all of you to see.

I’ll be in Orlando until June 17th when I’ll be flying to Madrid, Spain to begin a three to four month trip throughout part of Europe that might have me backpacking the entire time, or settling down and working in London for a couple of months. Between now and June 17th I’ll be doing some light working here in Orlando and also starting a few new projects to continue to work towards a goal of being as close to possible as location independent as I can.

I’m really looking forward to the rest of 2011 as I think it is going to be a life-changing nine months for me and my professional life. Well, enough with all of this boring stuff, I’ll be sure to post some photos and other posts from the last two and a half months in Central America.

  1. Jeremy B

    Totally understand the burnout. As much fun as traveling and writing are, we need a break from that stuff as well. A vacation from our vacation is sometimes needed to recharge ourselves.

  2. Grace

    Sometimes you can get sucked into constant movement that it is ok to be still. Looks like a nice break and an exciting couple of months ahead!

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