Sometimes blogging can get in the way of traveling. It has always been my priority to travel first, and blog about it if I have the time and desire to do so. The past few weeks I decided to give myself a short break from blogging while I visited a few places in England and also spent two weeks in the wonderful country of Belgium. Belgium was one of the highlights of the trip for me, and man, they really do have some great beer. But anyways, here is what you have to look forward to.
In the last three weeks I’ve
-Visited six UNESCO World Heritage Sites
-Spent a weekend in the English countryside
-Visited the cities of Bath, Brussels, Antwerp, and Brugge
-Visited or toured five different breweries and blenders.
-Tried over 30 new beers I’d never had before.
-Attended my first ever Polo match.
-Crossed the English Channel, twice!
-And couchsurfed 17 out of 21 days.
Needless to say, I’ve got quite a bit to post about, and you can expect those to start popping up next week. As always thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading!
Christy @ Technosyncratic
Yikes, that’s quite a list! We’re still in London and deciding where to head next (Brussels is high on the list, but so is Edinburgh), so I’m excited to hear about your experiences.